
Paramount Drive Alliance Church, where First Cambodian Alliance Church meets

We are delighted that you web-visiting First Cambodian Alliance Church.  Our church was founded in the 1990’s by several families of Khmer-speaking immigrants from Cambodia.  Our aim is to exalt PreahJesus (ព្រះយេស៊ូវ).  Today, though we are still largely Cambodian, we do have people from other ethnic backgrounds that worship among us.  You are certainly welcome to join with us in any of the following local programs & Services

Local Programs & Services

Sunday Worship.  We have a family-oriented worship on Sunday afternoons at 3PM at our location at 1035 Paramount Drive, Stoney Creek.  Khmer is the language of teaching and worship that we use.  In this time we seek to worship ព្រះយេស៊ូវ (PreahJesus) and learn to love as He taught us.

Small group fellowships.  We have small groups that meet at different times in the week for support, sharing, prayer and Bible study.  Some groups are Khmer speaking and other groups use English.  Please contact us if you would like to find out a group that meets at a convenient time for you.